You are a Human Resources Director during a period of merger
You are thinking… !
► My action scope is wide : Job management, Ability management, Career management, Risk management, communication, managers' backup.
► I have a part to play for the new entity to create its own business culture.
► I have to face powerful trade unions which might be a brake to the process and give rise to doubts among teams.
► My Managing Director cannot notice or do everything, my job is to provide backup.
► I will listen to the employees during this period of uncertainty and my duty is to avoid staff losses.
► The intercultural factor and human aspect should be taken into account.
► It is up to me to lead my Management to be sensitive to the critical points and to realize the impacts of a merger on staff.
You are asking to yourself…. ?
► Who will be the pilot of the operation ? Who will be part of the pilot committee on both sides of the merger ?
► How to encourage all staff to remain with the business ? Is it enough to only get managers' agreement ?
► How many additional resources will be given to me to lead all the new tasks ?
► How to reassure teams ?
► Among managers, who feels at ease with intercultural relations ? How to deal with it ? What should I start with ?
► How to keep on board the staff with key abilities ? How to measure risks ?
► Which communication policy should be set up ? Externally, internally ?
► And if I cannot manage it all , what can I do and how ?